Isle of Dogs is Wes Anderson's new stop-motion animated film. Set in Japan, it tells the story of a dystopian future where dogs are quarantined to a remote island owing to a 'canine flu'. One brave boy, Atari, seeks his dog Spots and enlists the help of a muttly crew of dogs – Chief, Rex, Boss, Duke and King. The critics have lapped it up and we know you will too. Every frame houses a staggering level of detail which we are of course accustomed to from Mr Anderson's vivid imagination. Having premiered at the Berlin film festival to great acclaim, we are proud to give you a first sniff at it in Ireland.
We're thrilled to partner with 20th Century Fox Ireland for a one off dog-friendly screening on Sunday March 25th at 9:30am. The Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield D7 is the venue for this first of its kind event, for a very lucky invited audience. 20th Century Fox have kindly given us 5 sets of tickets to give away to our Doggie Do friends! To enter, just visit our Facebook Page and like & share the brilliant Isle of Dogs trailer. We'll notify the winners by Wednesday 21st.
Isle of Dogs goes on general release in Ireland on March 30th.