Which movie should we show?
We're trying to decide which of these three movies we should show at the end of The Doggie Do. The Happenings awesome inflatable movie screen will be on-site, and once the sun goes down we can settle down for a cosy outdoor snuggle in front of one of these great pooch performances.
Hotel For Dogs is a classic of the modern family movie genre. If its volume and variety you're looking for, there are about 70 individual dogs involved. Also, Emma Roberts, before she went all dark in American Horror Story.
Lady and the Tramp is classical Disney animation at its finest. Dog from the wrong side of the tracks meets high class bitch, dog falls for bitch, bitch gives him the cold paw but eventually warms to his scruffy charms. Classic story.
Best in Show is a masterpiece mockmentary from Christopher Guest and his regular roster of comedian/actors. A dog show (thinly disguised Kennel Club event) brings all sorts of pure breed dogs and their oddball owners together in the annual pressure cooker of awards season. It's hilarious and heartwarming. Bet you can relate to at least one of the owners.
To pick your favourite, go to our Facebook post and leave a comment.